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联系基地:山东省 德州市协同发展产业园D06幢


文章来源:http://www.sddlqj.cn/   作者:电缆桥架厂家发布时间:2022-12-21 浏览次数:15

As a popular industrial equipment, GRP cable tray has been widely used in many fields and plays an important role in different industries. Such devices must be operated according to the specified procedures when they are used, and there are also some related matters that need to be noted. Otherwise, it is not only possible to cause serious damage to them due to improper technical operation methods, but also possible to cause injury to the operator.
Shandong cable tray manufacturer believes that the primary principle for the installation and use of glass fiber reinforced plastic tray is to ensure safety. That is, pay attention to the effective contact between the bridge and the ground during the use, ensure the flatness of the ground, and lay a solid foundation for the installation and use of the bridge.
Attention should be paid to the network environment for the use of the cable tray. There should be no strong vibration, or the cable tray is close to the environment where the society has electromagnetic fields. Is there anything else we should pay attention to? When using the cable tray, we should keep away from those corrosive gases. If students do not pay attention, using the cable tray in those economic environments will greatly increase and reduce the service life of the glass fiber reinforced plastic cable tray.
If the working time of the bridge is too long, its service life will be affected. It is recommended that such equipment be basically cleaned regularly, and different structures should be checked during the cleaning process to ensure that the corresponding bolts, nuts, etc. are not loose, rusty and fall off.
After a period of use, it will be found that the FRP bridge can sometimes be used and the teaching effect is also very unsatisfactory. At this time, we should not panic. It is not that there is something wrong with the device, but that there is a continuous rust or fault analysis problem with a certain structure. At this time, the enterprise needs to notify the management and maintenance technicians to come to inspect and deal with the maintenance information. Remember not to think that you are carrying out the maintenance without permission, There may be more serious problems with the bridge.
In the process of use, it is necessary to master the correct method and understand the problems that need attention in the process of use, which will undoubtedly greatly improve its service life. It is hoped that our brief introduction can help you to have a better understanding of the correct operation and management methods of GRP bridge. For more information, please come to our website http://www.sddlqj.cn Consult!
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