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联系基地:山东省 德州市协同发展产业园D06幢


文章来源:http://www.sddlqj.cn/   作者:电缆桥架厂家发布时间:2022-09-24 浏览次数:16

Bridge has been widely used in industry, agriculture, construction, bridge and transportation in recent years. Because of its beautiful appearance and good corrosion resistance, the cable tray is used more and more widely. What method can be used to rectify the deformed bridge? Next, Shandong cable tray manufacturer will explain to you.
Prestressing method. A set of tensioning equipment is installed under the main beam, and the tension of the tie bar is used to make the main beam camber. In this way, compressive stress is generated on the lower cover plate of the main beam, and tensile stress is generated on the upper cover plate. This stress is opposite to the stress formed by the external load, which offsets part of the operating stress, and the stress condition of the main beam is improved. Therefore, the prestress method has the intention of strengthening the main beam and correcting the downward deflection. This method is simple and easy to operate, and the camber is simply controlled. Its defect is that it has limitations and is difficult to correct the deformation of the relatively disordered bridge.
Flame correction method. The flame correction method is to heat some parts of the bridge, and the heated part expands, but it is bound by the adjacent unheated part, and cannot expand leisurely, so the heated part is tightened.
After cooling, shortening occurs again. During the cooling process of the heating part, the surrounding metal is pulled close to each other to produce a shortening force, which is equivalent to the effect of a moment of pain under the neutral layer of the main beam, so that the main beam can recover from arching and reach the intention of correcting the structural deformation. The flexibility of flame correction method is strong, which can correct various miscellaneous deformation of bridge structure.
In addition, the cable tray belongs to metal and has the phenomenon of thermal expansion and cold contraction. The outdoor cable tray is greatly affected by temperature, for example, the high ambient temperature is 40 ℃, and the low ambient temperature is - 20 ℃. If the temperature difference in this environment is large, the bridge will be deformed due to the temperature difference. It is recommended to add an elastic joint at the elbow of the galvanized cable bridge.
With it, the aluminum alloy cable bridge can safely survive every winter and summer. According to the standards for cable tray devices, elastic joints are provided for steel cable trays with a length of more than 30m and aluminum alloy or glass fiber reinforced plastic cable trays with a length of more than 1.5mm in straight sections; Compensation device shall be set at the position where the cable tray crosses the deformation joint of the building.
What method can be used to rectify the deformed bridge? The above is the answer to the question. If you want to know anything about it, please come to our website http://www.sddlqj.cn Consult!
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